Debbie Schlussel is not a shrinking violet.
I've been reading her blog for years and, frankly, I'm a fan. She says what she thinks and usually her thinking is sound. Yeah, every now and then she posts something sorta off the wall. She's always controversial.
[By the way, she is also the most reliable, informative and honest movie critic around. Her timely and prodigious movie reviews have saved me the price of admission many times over.]
Her latest post:
Study Shows Female Economists Exceptionally Stupid (& Very Far-Left) is no exception.
She begins with this paragraph:
If women were not allowed to vote, the better candidate would usually
win the Presidential race. That’s because women are more liberal, more
likely to be Democrats, and in poll after poll, more clueless and
unlikely to know what they are talking about with regard to Presidential
and Vice Presidential candidates, the candidates’ backgrounds, and
their positions on issues. And so it goes with female economists, where the gender gap is a gender chasm. A University
of Nebraska-Lincoln study shows that female economists are stupid
(which probably has a lot to do with affirmative action for chicks in
math and sciences, every step of the way from education to career) and
far to the left.
Whoa! I told ya, she's no shrinking violet. But does she know what she's talking about?
The meat of her article is in this graph:
The data is from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln study she refers to above.
According to
the source article in USA Today:
"As a group, we are pro-market," says Ann Mari May, co-author of the
study and a University of Nebraska economist. "But women are more likely
to accept government regulation and involvement in economic activity
than our male colleagues."
acceptance of government regulation blows my mind, as do the results in the table above regarding
both genders. Since when is it the job of an economist to speak in terms of "should?" And the "minimum wage hikes" item is completely unanswerable by any economist without knowing if the "hike" is above, at, or below the market wage rate which would otherwise obtain.
The USA article also states:
The biggest disagreement: 76% of women say faculty opportunities in
economics favor men. Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say
women are favored or the process is neutral.
To which Ms. Schlussel declares:
The few male economists who said the process favors men are the ones who surrendered their testicles a long time ago.
Fair warning. Schlussel has a pair. If you're going to use any of the material in her blog, you had better give her credit, as I have done. If you don't, she'll let you know about it. She's a lawyer by trade.