About This Blog

Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time. His greatest works can be accessed here at no charge.

Mises believed that property, freedom and peace are and should be the hallmarks of a satisfying and prosperous society. I agree. Mises proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the prospect for general and individual prosperity is maximized, indeed, is only possible, if the principle of private property reigns supreme. What's yours is yours. What's mine is mine. When the line between yours and mine is smudged, the door to conflict opens. Without freedom (individual liberty of action) the principle of private property is neutered and the free market, which is the child of property and freedom and the mother of prosperity and satisfaction, cannot exist. Peace is the goal of a prosperous and satisfying society of free individuals, not peace which is purchased by submission to the enemies of property and freedom, but peace which results from the unyielding defense of these principles against all who challenge them.

In this blog I measure American society against the metrics of property, freedom and peace.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Act Accordingly

As this Covid-19 saga has progressed over the last 18 months, I've heard people speculate on "Why?" Why the lies? Why the censorship? Why the ban on effective treatments? Why the insane push for vaccines?


The ONLY correct answer is: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


We've been voting more and more power to the federal government since this nation was founded. We fought a Civil War to preserve and endlessly expand that power. And now the federal bureaucrats and politicians who have that power are treating us like serfs, calling us "useless" eaters, vowing to destroy the governors of states that refuse to obey their edicts.


The ONLY way to get out from under the federal government's thumb is to defund and defang the federal government at every opportunity possible.


Make no exceptions. Give them no quarter. Say "NO" and mean it.


Above all don't be conned. When someone from the federal government promises he is there to help you, don't EVER buy into his lie, no matter what your personal benefit might be.


Private property and individual liberty are our absolute right and our salvation. Anyone -- and I mean anyone -- who opposes this truth is your deadly enemy.


Act accordingly.

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